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2014-11-03 22:28:07 来源:生物谷

2014年11月3日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --继2天前获得FDA内部审查员的肯定,第一三共制药(Daiichi Sankyo)新型口服抗凝血剂—Xa因子抑制剂edoxaban,近日又获得了FDA专家委员会的一致肯定,双方都支持批准edoxaban用于房颤(AF)患者预防中风,大大提高了赢得FDA批准的可能性。edoxaban是每日口服一次的抗凝血剂,通过抑制凝血因子Xa发挥作用。目前,第一三共正在调查edoxaban用于房颤患者预防中风。


此前,FDA内部审查员认为,60mg剂量edoxaban在轻度肾功能受损的患者群体中疗效明显优于广泛使用的抗凝血剂老药华法林(warfarin),但在肾功能正常的患者群体中的药物副作用也非常明显。总的研究数据支持了edoxaban的有效性,但基线肾功能(baseline renal function)疗效预后可能潜在影响edoxaban的批准或药物标签。





edoxaban是一种实验性、口服、每日一次的抗凝血剂,能够可逆性抑制凝血因子Xa。全球性edoxaban临床项目包括2个III期研究:Hokusai-VTE和ENGAGE AF-TIMI48。前者在深静脉血栓(DVT)和/或肺栓塞(PE)患者中开展,评价edoxaban对症状性静脉血栓栓塞(VTE)复发的治疗和预防。后者在非瓣膜性心房颤动(AF)患者中开展,评价edoxaban对中风和全身性栓塞事件(SEE)的预防。

英文原文:FDA panel backs Daiichi's blood thinner

(Reuters) - A panel of advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration voted 9-1 in favor of approving Japanese drugmaker Daiichi Sankyo Co's blood thinner for use in some patients with atrial fibrillation.

The drug, edoxaban, is a once-daily anticoagulant that inhibits Factor Xa, a protein that plays a central role in blood-clotting. If approved, it would compete with three other medicines already vying to displace a decades-old treatment.

Edoxaban is a potential treatment for non-valvular atrial fibrillation, a particular form of a condition characterized by a rapid, irregular heartbeat that is often the cause of strokes.

According to late-stage trial data submitted by Daiichi, the drug is as effective - and safer than - warfarin, an anticoagulant that has been on the market for more than half a century.

While effective in preventing strokes, warfarin's use requires blood-level monitoring, dose adjustments and dietary restrictions.

Edoxaban could compete with Xarelto, sold by Bayer AG and Johnson & Johnson; Eliquis, sold by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co and Pfizer Inc, and Pradaxa, made by privately held Boehringer Ingelheim.

Despite the overwhelmingly positive vote, the advisers on the panel were divided over whether edoxaban should be used in all patients, or limited to those with impaired kidney function.

On Tuesday, FDA staff reviewers recommended limiting use of the drug to renally impaired patients - a decision based on subgroup data that showed a 60 mg dose was "almost significantly worse" than warfarin in patients with normal kidney function.

The FDA is not obligated to follow the recommendations of its advisory panels, although it typically does so.

Savaysa, the proposed brand name for edoxaban in the United States, is also undergoing regulatory review for the treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE), blood clots that form in the veins.