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2015-03-13 13:48:44 来源:生物谷

2015年3月13日讯 /生物谷BIOON/-- 德国拜耳在周三的投资商会议上发布了未来两年的销售目标,每年至少增长6%,到2017年达到270亿美元,其核心业务的收入比例要从2014年的27.5%上升到29%-31%。在今年年终,材料业务部门将会剥离出去或者独立IPO,公司业务核心放在生命科学上,这也意味着医疗业务将会受到高度重视,扩充人才队伍都极有可能。

拜耳现在拥有五个极具潜力的新药:新一代的抗凝剂Xarelto,眼科药物Eylea,抗癌药Stivarga 和 Xofigo以及用于肺动脉高血压治疗的Adempas。拜耳预测这些药物今年之内至少吸金40亿欧元。此外,消费者医疗保健业务销售额也要年均增长4%,2017年达到至少100亿欧元。尽管2014年第四季度OTC销售很不理想,但拜耳CEO Marijn Dekkers解释道,在这之前拜耳刚刚解除了与默克的消费者医疗保健业务联姻,业务范围有所缩小,这是个过渡阶段。


花旗集团分析师Peter Verdult评论拜耳销售目标是“相对保守的展望”。但对于拜耳作物,这个目标充满挑战,对于拜耳消费者医疗保健业务部门,这个目标同样艰巨,尤其是刚刚削掉了默克OTC药物业务。

Bayer has already said it plans to home in on life sciences after it carves out its plastics unit later this year for an IPO or spinoff. So what, exactly, does that mean for its HealthCare division, numbers-wise?

As the German drugmaker said at its investor conference Wednesday, it means increasing sales by an average of about 6% per year through 2017 to hit more than €25 billion ($27 billion). Bayer will also be looking to up its adjusted core profit margin to 29%-31%, up from 2014's 27.5%.

Making all of that possible will be the company's Big 5 new pharma products, a group that consists of new-age anticoagulant Xarelto, hot-launching eye med Eylea, cancer drugs Stivarga and Xofigo, and pulmonary arterial hypertension treatment Adempas. Last month, the company said it predicted those drugs would pull in €4 billion this year--a substantial leap from this year's €2.9 billion tally.

Consumer health sales will also grow by an average of around 4% per year through 2017 to more than €10 billion, Bayer forecast, despite a fourth-quarter OTC showing that analysts deemed not quite up to par. As CEO Marijn Dekkers pointed out after releasing earnings, that was the first quarter after closing a $14.2 billion deal for Merck's ($MRK) consumer unit--"a transition situation," so to speak.

And as Dekkers noted Wednesday, he's willing to accept narrower profit margins if any of the company's up-and-coming new drugs require higher spending on drug development. "The better the pharmaceuticals pipeline develops, the more investment will be required for further clinical trials," he told investors, according to the company's release.

And the way Citi analyst Peter Verdult sees it, that "tempered margin outlook" for pharma is okay. "A stronger outlook for CropScience, as well as a stronger margin outlook for Consumer to reflect the Merck OTC acquisition, offsets a tempered margin outlook for Pharma," he wrote in a note seen by Bloomberg.