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2015-03-13 13:55:06 来源:生物谷

2015年3月13日讯/生物谷BIOON/ --San Francisco商业时代昨天报道,在收购Onyx制药公司还不到两年时间,位于加州千橡市的Amgen公司宣布即将关闭南加州的Onyx制药公司工厂并裁员300人。在这之前,Amgen公司宣布从Washington州退出,预计2015年底会解雇在西雅图和Bothell工厂的274名员工。


“为了加强我们在快速发展的肿瘤治疗领域的业务占有率,以及作为我们公司转型战略的一部分,我们决定整合Amgen的肿瘤免疫特长与Onyx成功的恶性血液病治疗经验,为患者和社会创造价值"。Amgen公司CEO Robert Bradway 在员工通讯中提到。



”西北部的生物技术公司本来相对其他地区就更少,这就让招聘合适的人才越来越难“。华盛顿生物技术和生物医学协会的主任chris Rivera告诉记者,“但是,随着大型公司比如Amgen不断吞并小型公司并裁员以缩小规模,所有这些科学家和研究者可能会逐步满足西雅图快对生物技术工业人才快速增长的需求。”



目前,安进的药物开发管线同样面临着越来越多的压力,药物安全性问题已经影响到了其旗舰贫血药物Aranesp和Epogen的销售。同时,从2015年开始,其5个最畅销药物药物,有4个将面临专利到期。2015年2月17日宣布, FDA受理公司产品Filgrastim非格司亭生物仿制药Grastofil的申请,这是Amgen公司优保津的生物仿制药,由Apotex和Intas制药公司共同开发。2015年3月7日,美国首个生物类似药Zarxio被获准上市。就在两个月以前,该药曾获得FDA药物评审中心肿瘤专家小组14票的全票通过。


Could Amgen layoffs in California bring more biotech workers to Washington state?

After acquiring Onyx Pharmaceuticals less than two years ago, Thousand Oaks, Calif.-based Amgen will close the South San Francisco Onyx facility and

lay off 300 employees, the San Francisco Business Times reported yesterday. The move follows Amgen's exit from Washington state, which involves

laying off 274 employees from the company's Seattle and Bothell facilities by the end of 2015.

Changes at Amgen are a result of the restructuring of its cancer drug business. Of 750 Onyx employees, 250 additional sales and medical staff workers

will now work for Amgen. It's not clear what will happen to the remaining 200, the newspaper reported. Layoffs start at the end of December.

"To build on our competitive presence in the rapidly evolving oncology field, and as part of our ongoing transformation across the company, we have

decided to combine Amgen's scale and immuno-oncology expertise with Onyx's highly successful approach to hematologic malignancies," Amgen CEO Robert

Bradway said in a memo to staffers, according to the San Francisco Business Times.

Layoffs in California could be positive for the Seattle biotech industry. Employees who are departing the company's Washington state facilities are

already landing at other big, Seattle-area companies, including Juno Therapeutics and a new biotech led by former Dendreon CEO Mitchell Gold.

Now, as more workers find themselves unemployed in California, they could be the solution to the Puget Sound region's difficulty in recruiting

biotech talent.

"There are fewer biotech companies here in the Northwest than in other hubs, and that makes recruiting more challenging," Washington Biotechnology

and Biomedical Association President Chris Rivera told the Puget Sound Business Journal in February.

But as big companies like Amgen buy up smaller companies and then downsize, all those scientists and researchers could help fill Seattle's growing

biotechnology ranks.