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安捷伦与安进再续前缘 共同开发癌症诊断试剂

2015-03-30 15:30:57 来源:生物谷

2015年3月30日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --安捷伦科技旗下的Dako公司是一家专注于癌症诊断试剂开发的公司,近日宣布与安进续约三年,开展癌症治疗过程中的伴随式诊断试剂研究。曾在2012年,Dako就和安进达成了三年的合作意向,安进的pharmDx是一个可用于罕见、致命性的癌症的潜在药物,正处于临床试验阶段,两家公司合作重点就是探究其临床诊断效果。这之后不久,Dako被安捷伦收购。

在三年合作到期之后又追加三年,其中的原委以及商务合作细节双方并未透露。Dako方面说双方加深合作,可以使双方在药物诊断研究领域互通有无,特别是伴随式诊断试剂。“医生和病理学家在对癌症治疗过程中,需要观察某种药物或疗法的效果,这时候,伴随式诊断试剂的重要作用就凸现出来了。”安捷伦诊断和基因组研究总监Jacob Thaysen说道。


IQFISH 杂交缓冲系统是Dako 2012年研发的,可以将诊断测试从17个小时缩减到3.5个小时。这使得病理实验室的DNA杂交实验得以快速完成。与传统的FISH相比,荧光信号强度更强。



英文原文: Dako, Amgen Expand Cancer CDx Collaboration

Dako, an Agilent Technologies company specializing in providing cancer diagnostics, said today it has again expanded a three-year-old collaboration with Amgen focused on companion diagnostics.

The value of the expanded collaboration and other financial terms were not disclosed. Dako said the expanded “multi-year” collaboration will allow both companies to benefit from knowledge-sharing within drug-diagnostic R&D, particularly in relation to companion diagnostic products.

“Together we will continue our work in the development of high-quality companion diagnostic products to enable physicians and pathologists to identify cancer patients who are more likely to respond to a specific therapy,” Jacob Thaysen, president of Agilent's Diagnostics and Genomics Group, said in a statement.

Dako and Amgen launched their collaboration in January 2012, when they agreed to develop a diagnostic test for an undisclosed Amgen drug candidate that Dako said was “targeted for a rare and deadly cancer.” A month later, the companies began a second collaboration to develop pharmDx? for an undisclosed Amgen cancer drug candidate in clinical development. Dako was acquired by Agilent in May 2012 for $2.2 billion.

Amgen’s online pipeline, last updated February 12, lists six Phase I compounds with cancer indications, as well as three Phase II and five Phase III compounds.

Last year the companies expanded their partnership, as Dako initiated a new project with Amgen to develop a molecular diagnostic test using Dako’s IQFISH hybridization buffer.

The IQFISH hybridization buffer, introduced by Dako in 2012, is designed to slash diagnostic test turnaround time from 17 hours to just 3.5 hours. It enables pathology labs—for the first time—to run DNA-based hybridization assays quickly, with distinct and higher fluorescent signal intensity compared to traditional FISH assays.

Amgen is among several biopharma giants with which Dako has teamed up. Last year, Dako launched a collaboration with Merck & Co. to develop a companion diagnostic test designed to analyze the potential tumor biomarker PD-L1, as part of the clinical development program for Merck & Co.’s investigational anti-PD-1 antibody under study as a potential cancer treatment.

In the two years preceding the Amgen deal, Dako inked agreements with AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Roche’s Genentech subsidiary.