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J Immunol:氧合酶HO-1能够促进类鼻疽杆菌感染

2016-06-23 14:58:11 来源:生物谷

2016年6月22日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --类鼻疽是一种由类鼻疽杆菌感染引发的疾病,主要分布于东南亚与澳大利亚北部地区。感染类鼻疽容易引发脓毒症,而且致死率极高。类鼻疽杆菌分泌多种PAMP,还可以向宿主胞浆中释放毒性物质激活炎症小体,进而引起IL-1b以及IL-18的分泌。IL-18能够介导IFN-gamma的释放,从而启动保护性的作用,而IL-1b则能够通过引发中性粒细胞的聚集从而导致组织损伤。在抵抗类鼻疽杆菌感染中,巨噬细胞扮演着十分重要的作用。NADPH介导的活性氧(ROS)的释放能够抑制胞内病菌的复制,但并不能完全阻止病菌的繁殖。


尽管NRF2以及HO-1的抗氧化作用与抗炎作用了解的比较清楚,但其在类鼻疽杆菌感染过程中发挥了怎样的作用并不清楚。针对这一问题,来自德国格莱夫斯瓦尔德大学的Antje Bast课题组进行了深入研究,相关结果发表在最近一期的《Journal of Immunology》杂志上。

首先,作者给小鼠感染类鼻疽杆菌,并收集了其体内的巨噬细胞进行分析。结果显示,类鼻疽杆菌的感染能够提高HO-1基因的表达水平,而这一效应依赖于巨噬细胞中PI3K, p38 MAPK, 以及PKC等蛋白激酶。





Heme Oxygenase-1 and Carbon Monoxide Promote Burkholderia pseudomallei Infection

Claudia Stolt, Imke H. E. Schmidt, Yana Sayfart, Ivo Steinmetz and Antje Bast

The environmental bacterium and potential biothreat agent Burkholderia pseudomallei causes melioidosis, an often fatal infectious disease. Increased serum bilirubin has been shown to be a negative predictive factor in melioidosis patients. We therefore investigated the role of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), which catalyzes the degradation of heme into the bilirubin precursor biliverdin, ferrous iron, and CO during B. pseudomallei infection. We found that infection of murine macrophages induces HO-1 expression, involving activation of several protein kinases and the transcription factor nuclear erythroid-related factor 2 (Nrf2). Deficiency of Nrf2 improved B. pseudomallei clearance by macrophages, whereas Nrf2 activation by sulforaphane and tert-butylhydroquinone with subsequent HO-1 induction enhanced intracellular bacterial growth. The HO-1 inducer cobalt protoporphyrin IX diminished proinflammatory cytokine levels, leading to an increased bacterial burden in macrophages. In contrast, HO-1 gene knockdown reduced the survival of intramacrophage B. pseudomallei. Pharmacological administration of cobalt protoporphyrin IX to mice resulted in an enhanced bacterial load in various organs and was associated with higher mortality of intranasally infected mice. The unfavorable outcome of B. pseudomallei infection after HO-1 induction was associated with higher serum IL-6, TNF-α, and MCP-1 levels but decreased secretion of IFN-γ. Finally, we demonstrate that the CO-releasing molecule CORM-2 increases the B. pseudomallei load in macrophages and mice. Thus, our data suggest that the B. pseudomallei–mediated induction of HO-1 and the release of its metabolite CO impair bacterial clearance in macrophages and during murine melioidosis.